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About Us
Each child has got a unique set of skills, gifted by God. It is the endeavour of the school to help him realise this hidden potential and exploit it to the fullest. The school intends to provide a conducive environment which would help in developing the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual abilities in the child. This will in turn help the child to develop a confidence in himself. So that he can make a better future for himself on the global scene.
It is our belief that the school should not be a place just to secure mark & pass, but medium through which the student develops himself to become a mature, confident, rational & an emotionally strong leader of tomorrow.
1. LBHS Is a Govt. Recognised English Medium School. 2. LBHS has its own well developed school premises. 3. LBHS school has a hugs play ground. 4. Devoted staff of highly qualified teachers, with advanced teaching skills. 5. All the Co-Curricular activities are organised in the school. 6. Computer education compulsory from Std.-1st 7. Private tuition are normally discouraged.